Thank you

I wanted send out a message this morning to everyone connected to the Sherwood Park Gyro Club thanking them for welcoming me into your club last night with an Honorary Membership!  What a wonderful early Christmas present that was.

Over the last couple of years, your club executive has been very generous with inviting me to many of your meetings and events in my capacity of Lt Governor for D8, District Governor and now in my role as 2nd VP of Gyro International.  I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know your members and having so much fun and making friends at your club’s events.  I will find a prominent place in my home for the lovely framed certificate I was presented last night at your Christmas party.

All the best to everyone over the upcoming holiday season. I look forward to enjoying many more meetings and social outings with the Sherwood Park Gyros.

Yours in Gyro Friendship,

Dunc Mills

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