Website Roles and Authorities


Subscribers – the default role (most of our membership would be in this category). This group gets access to the Dashboard page, and they can view and change the options in their profiles on the Your Profile and Personal Options page. Logged in subscribers can leave comments (not published until moderated) on webpages and posts. They can also reply to someone else’s comments (again publishing to website for all to see is moderated). They don’t have access to the websites account settings, however – only to their own. Each user can change his or her username, email address, password, bio, and other descriptors in their user profile. The Website database stores subscribers’ profile information , and remembers them each time they visit, so they don’t have to complete the profile information each time they leave comments on the website.

Contributors – In addition to the access Subscribers have, they can upload files and write, edit and manage their own posts. Contributors can write posts, but they can’t publish the posts; the administrator reviews all Contributor posts and decides whether to publish them. This setting is a nice way to moderate all content written by new authors.

Authors – In addition to the access Contributors have, Authors can publish and edit their own posts.

Editors – In addition to the access Authors have, Editors can moderate comments, manage categories, manage links, edit pages, and edit other Authors’ posts.

Administrators – Administrators can edit all the options and settings in the website.

Super Admin – This role exists only when you have the Multisite feature activated.


Roles and Capabilities

Super Admin Administrator Editor Author Contributor Subscriber
Manage Multisite features Yes No No No No No
Add/edit users Yes Yes No No No No
Add/edit install plugins Yes Yes No No No No
Add/edit/install themes Yes Yes No No No No
Manage comments Yes Yes Yes No No No
Manage categories, tags and links Yes Yes Yes No No No
Publish posts Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Edit published posts Yes Yes Yes No No No
Edit each others’ posts Yes Yes Yes No No No
Edit own posts Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Publish pages Yes Yes Yes No No No
Read Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

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