Greetings Fellow Gyros
Our next Gyro meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 22 at the Headquarters restaurant. I suggest that people arrive starting around 5:00 pm and order your drinks and meals upon arrival to speed up the process.
We have a guest speaker Ray Rohr. Ray had previously presented to the Edmonton Gyro Club and was very well received. As per the biography that Ray sent me:
Ray has over 50 years aviation experience – the majority in a management capacity. His career includes Service in the RCAF regular force and Canadian forces Reserves, 31 years with Transport Canada where he started work as a civil aviation inspector and retired as Regional Director General for Atlantic Canada. During his time with Transport Canada he was extensively involved in the regulatory development process.He has also worked with the International Civil Aviation Organization Technical Cooperation Bureau in several developing countries and spent 15 years with the International Business Aviation Council, which is the international voice of business aviation.
His presentation will cover the highlights of his aviation career and other bits of nonsense.
From what I understand Ray is being very modest in his description. Please respond directly to me at if you will attend. This is a non-subsidized event.
Yours in Gyro Friendship