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John Williams
Fellow Gyros:
If you are wanting to visit John, I would suggest you call patient information at the Royal Alexandra hospital, 780 735-4510, prior to your visit. As of Wednesday, John was located at Unit 43, Room 8 and bed 1. If he has been moved from this room, the Unit 43 desk clerk will give you this information.
I apologize for not sending this to the membership sooner.
Yours in Gyro Friendship,
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Thank you
I wanted send out a message this morning to everyone connected to the Sherwood Park Gyro Club thanking them for welcoming me into your club last night with an Honorary Membership! What a wonderful early Christmas present that was.
Over the last couple of years, your club executive has been very generous with inviting me to many of your meetings and events in my capacity of Lt Governor for D8, District Governor and now in my role as 2nd VP of Gyro International. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know your members and having so much fun and making friends at your club’s events. I will find a prominent place in my home for the lovely framed certificate I was presented last night at your Christmas party.
All the best to everyone over the upcoming holiday season. I look forward to enjoying many more meetings and social outings with the Sherwood Park Gyros.
Yours in Gyro Friendship,
Dunc Mills
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2025 Gyro International Convention
Greetings Fellow Gyros
This is a reminder that Sherwood Park and Edmonton Gyro Clubs (District 8) invite you to the 2025 Gyro International Convention to be held June 3 to June 10, 2025.
The convention will be held in conjunction with an Alaska Cruise 7-Day Inside Passage (Roundtrip Vancouver, Canada).
As this is a 7-day cruise including all meals and associated costs, there will be no convention registration fee.
For more information, please use the following link: Cruise Details – 7-Day Inside Passage (Roundtrip Vancouver) – Princess Cruises
Our travel agent has secured fixed pricing for the Oceanview and Balcony cabins until December 5, 2024. However, this does not guarantee cabin availability, and cabins are booking quickly. If you intend to attend the cruise, I suggest that you book your cabin as soon as you can. Please book through the travel agent as we get points for each cabin sold which can be used for a Welcome Reception or private dining room for the President’s Dinner
For more info or to book contact:
Terra Travel 2007 Inc. Established in 1979
Summer Office hours April 1-September 30, 2024: Monday-Friday 8AM – 4PM MST
Call Kelly Bergquist at (780) 477-1977 or Email
Yours in Gyro Friendship
Ted Ewanchuk
District 8 Governor
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Election Results
Don Greig presented the full slate of candidates for the vacant positions. For the position of Vice President, Art Merrick was nominated, seconded by Sid Slade, and accepted his nomination. Further nominations were called for and none were forthcoming. Art was declared elected by acclamation. Don Greg(existing V.P. ) willingly accepted the position of President as nominated by Bill Austin and endorsed by all attending. Two Directors will continue in their role as second year Directors, they are Ted Ewanchuk and Sid Slade. There were two candidates put forward for the position of 2 year Director. Blair Gallant was nominated and accepted his nomination in absents, Lawrence Zalasky was nominated and accepted his nomination. Other nominations were called for three times. Receiving no further nominations Blair and Lawrence were declared elected for the vacant positions of Director. For the position of Treasurer Ted Ewanchuk was appointed and accepted. Secretary (Ray Davis) was appointed and accepted the position.
For the 2024-25 Gyro year the Board of the Club is as follows: President: Don Greig, Vice President: Art Merrick, Past President: Nestor Slipchuk, 2Year Directors: Blair Gallant and Lawrence Zalasky, 1Year Directors: Sid Slade and Ted Ewanchuk, Treasurer: Ted Ewanchuk, Secretary: Ray Davis, Bulletin Editor: Scott Brisbin.
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Gyro Hockey Pool
Congratulations to Al Gordon the winner of the Gyro Hockey Pool, 44 points ahead of second place finisher Ray Davis (who was 16 points ahead of the next person) from our club also. Thanks to Alan Pentney for running the pool it was lots of fun to follow along with the NHL.
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2024 Gyro District Convention June 19 & 20 Lacomb
Hello Gyro Friends,
Attached to this email your will find:
1) Your invitation to the District Convention,
2) Convention Registration form in Word format,
3) Convention Registration form in PDF format that can be printed and completed manually, and
4) A preliminary Schedule of Events.
See you in Lacombe,
Ken Baker, Registration
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Presidents Christmas Party
Lynn and I enjoyed the evening last night at Broadmoor celebrating Christmas , good food, good friends, enjoyable evening. Dunc was a good sport as Santa and the 50/50 provided a gift of $270 to me. Thank you very much. This morning I sent the money to A Safe Place in Sherwood Park to help in their mission to provide shelter to abused women and children.
We welcomed Blair and Clare Gallant to Sherwood Park Gyro as Blair was inducted into our club by Governor Dunc Mills.
Merry Christmas to all our Gyro friends and families.
Lynn and Ray
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Bill Carter Celebration of Life
It is with both deep sadness and profound gratitude for his life that we announce the passing of Bill (William Wallace) Carter on November 7, 2023, after a lengthy and courageous battle with cancer. He was surrounded with love and support as he passed.
Bill enriched countless lives through his kindness, generosity and humor. He volunteered his time and energy for the betterment of others as a Special Olympics coach for over 25 years, and on numerous professional boards and organizations. He and his wife Jeanne fulfilled their lifelong dreams of traveling the world with close friends. They cultivated beauty through their passion for flowers and gardening, sharing their prized Dahlias with those all around them. Their award-winning yard was the envy of the community.
A celebration of Bill’s life will be held on December 15 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Hainstock’s Funeral Home and Crematorium, 9810 34 Ave. An online live stream is available at:
The family wishes to extend a special thank you to the staff of St. Thomas Care Centre, the Gamma Knife and Cross Cancer care teams, the U of A Hospital, and to all of the Bayshore caregivers who helped Bill and his family through such challenging times. In lieu of flowers, please consider donations to the Canadian Cancer Society.
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Welcome back Art
Re: Reinstatement of Art Merrick Gyro Membership.
The good news is Art Merrick would like to return to Gyro and he has applied for his Gyro Membership to be reinstated. The Board has approve the reinstatement and welcome Art back to Gyro.
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Peter Elzinga – rest in peace
Dear Gyro and Gyrette friends,
I just received a phone call from Pat Elzinga advising me that Peter passed away last night. As an exceptionally close friend, it was devastating news for Kay and me. As soon as I receive additional information on memorial services, I will let you know. We can all take comfort in knowing that Peter is now at rest and is no longer suffering from poor health. Peter has accomplished remarkable achievements in his life, and we are all better for his incredible efforts and contributions.
God bless Peter and may he rest in peace.
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